it makes sense that covid-19 was pre-planned, here's why
Updated: Apr 16, 2022
(regularly updated to reflect current situation)
the following list is simply a timeline of some of the public groups, meetings, agendas/agreements, documents, events and plans that shows that the technocrats, global elite, or wealthy families of the world, have been planning, and actioning their intent to completely change the face of our entire existence on earth; for a very long time.
individual freedoms will no longer exist under this new technocratic world, and humans are connected to artificial intelligence (AI) for ease of management and control.
covid-19 has been quite easily the catalyst to shift this entire vision into a higher gear of implementation.
nb. although there are links throughout, they are also provided at the end of the article for further research.
below is a short list of some of the public entities that meet annually, if not more frequently, always attended by the heads of all major industries, governments, religions and elite; who seemingly enjoy planning what happens next on the world stage.
diving into researching these, one can be left wondering exactly what was discussed, and agreed upon, at these gatherings.
League of Nations ~ founded on 10 January 1920 (later became the United Nations), dissolved in 1946 (Wikipedia)
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ~ founded in 1921 'runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy' (Wikipedia)
Bilderberg meeting ~ is an annual conference established in 1954, originally created to foster relations between the United States and Europe and prevent a world war. 'regular participants include political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media' (Wikipedia)
Club of Rome ~ 'founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, the Club of Rome consists of current and former heads of state, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe' (Wikipedia)
Trilateral Commission ~ founded by David Rockefeller in July 1973 to foster closer cooperation between Japan, Western Europe and North America (Wikipedia)
World Economic Forum ~ annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland 'brings together some 3,000 business leaders, international political leaders, economists, celebrities and journalists for up to five days to discuss global issues, across 500 public and private sessions' (Wikipedia)
the following is a list of agreements that seem to gel rather nicely with the creation of a totalitarian, tyrannical, communist flavoured technocratic takeover of society.
June 1945 ~ United Nations (UN) ~ the 'UN Charter' ~ an agreement that was adopted on 25 June 1945, modeled on the Constitution of Soviet Russia, and the Communist Manifesto. it took effect on 24 October 1945, when the UN began operations, and continues today. 193 countries are members of the UN.
June 1992 ~ United Nations ~ 'Agenda 21' ~ the agenda for the 21st century.
'adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992' (Wikipedia)
this agreement is a worldwide agenda, which in short, manages ALL resources across the planet, both living and non-living; including humans. this is already in action via government, regional and local governments, and comes under the guise of 'sustainable development'. reading through the agenda it sounds beautifully idylic, but unfortunately for us, it is truly anything but. in reality it's a complete takedown, restructure and management of society as we know it, where everything is controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
by 1997, 70% of local governments in the United Kingdom were signed up Agenda 21. one can now imagine, that near on 100% of local governments worldwide, will have signed up to this.
October 2015 ~ United Nations ~ 'Agenda 2030' ~ 17 'sustainable development' goals to reach by 2030
in September 2015 the United Nations held a 'sustainable development' summit in the UN's headquarters in New York with heads of government across the world in attendance. here they established a new 'sustainable development' agenda which adopted 17 goals, to be implemented by 2030.
here's the list with a translation from Aaron and Melissa Dykes :
now if you're curious to see how far we are with this plan; with respect to goal 13, see if you can find your local government's 'Climate Action Plan', and you'll see what they are up to.
this specific plan is interesting.....because did the governments forget to mention they were already doing something since 2015 about so called 'climate change', when they had George Soros' funded Greta, chastising them and asking them to "do something" in 2018/2019 ?!
and goal 15, one need only check out New Zealand's 'Predator Free 2050' programme. for 60 years they have been indiscriminately aerially dropping a chemical weapon '1080' (sodium monofluoroacetete), all over our native bush to apparently 'save the birds'. in the mean time this has been killing our birds, many other animals (in the most horrific of ways i might add) and our trees (and saying that 'kauri dieback disease', is a fungus that is killing them >>> when we all know that fungus is nature's clean up crew from dead matter)....
1080 is poisoning our waters (including our town water supplies where 1080 is dropped directly into - recently in Auckland in October 2018)...and in 2019, the New Zealand government dumped enough 1080 across our nature to kill 80 million people.....we use 90% of the world's supply of this chemical weapon (ironically the only chemical weapon found in Sadam Hussein's possession was a bottle of 1080, from the same company 'Tull chemicals' in Alabama, USA)....
and this is only one of many poisons being used all over New Zealand....'Poisoning Paradise - Ecocide New Zealand' is a great documentary showing our plight. New Zealand is most definitely not 'clean and green'.
all of this insanity could easily be viewed as Agenda 21 in action, many actors on stage pocketing copious amounts of money, pushing their fake fear narratives such as global warming / climate change (in reality weather modification / weaponisation) and pretending they are 'caring for the environment', when in reality they are poisoning everything and forcing people to move from rural, self sufficient areas to the cities.
ps. if weather control is a new concept to you, you can also check out all the weather weapon patents online >>> of which there are 100+ registered since the late 1800s.
agenda 21 / 2030's goals are more than likely why the implementation of 5G and the 'internet of things' is such a priority to our governments. having had no public consultation, nor testing as to the effect these man-made frequencies will have on biological life, this is likely why we see the rush to implement this technology whilst we are locked up in our homes over the past two years since covid-19 began. this technological upgrade is an essential management tool for the elite who are implementing these smoke and mirror agendas.
Rosa Koire, author of 'Behind the Green Mask 'Agenda 21' and Deborah Tavares, who revealed the 'NASA War Document' back in 2012, have been campaigning for the past decade to expose the true intentions behind Agenda 21, and the sustainable development goals listed in Agenda 2030. to understand these agendas clearly, i would suggest listening to what both have to say on the topic.
there are, and have been many more intelligent people speaking publicly about this over the past three decades, and countless articles detailing the true agenda, so i am keeping it simple here. there are some links for further research and understanding at the end of the article.
2005 ~ International Health Regulations ~ World Health Organisation (WHO)
This report states that "196 countries across the globe have agreed to implement the International Health Regulations"
what exactly have they agreed to one may ask ?
...well, to implement a specific strategy in the case of a 'pandemic', for one..
and here we have some interesting 'temporary recommendations' each member should adopt :
here are some documents that are rather close to what we see playing out in this entire
'pandemic'. ...the guidelines per se ?
2010 ~ Rockefeller Foundation ~ 'Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development'
Independent Journalist Harry Vox exposed this document in his 2014 interview
page 18 depicts a future scenario where there is a deadly pandemic, and how the world handles it. strikingly similar to the current scenario.
the way to implement control of the 'virus' :
it goes on to mention :
" The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post pandemic recovery"
and "mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems—from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power"
sound familiar ?
September 2019 ~ Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (WHO and World Bank) ~ 'A World At Risk ~ Annual Report on global preparedness for health emergencies'
this report surfaced amongst the research community during the first worldwide 'drill' ~ which seemingly began in March 2020.
and on page 10, there is this :
so does this mean that March 2020 was a drill ~ a 'training and simulation exercise' ...? and we are now in the midst of the second one (wave?)
this seems entirely plausible, considering that generally in most countries, the flu season figures are no different than normal. the only difference is, this year influenza cases have been made public. and the excess deaths in certain countries or cities, can very well be attributed to a combination of several factors, of which i outline in my article 'if covid-19 influenza is detoxing, then why are people dying ?')
page 30 furthermore gives rise to it being a planned implementation :
aside from this fairly concerning document, i came across two further documents on the WHO website, from 2011 and 2018, outlining how to run simulation exercises on influenza, and how to be prepared in case of a pandemic.
they sure are concerned about influenza aren't they ?!
doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you realise influenza is actually detoxing (please see my article 'influenza is detoxing = humanity has been poisoned' for further info)
....or does ?
so including this report and guide from the WHO, it seems that they have been preparing and practicing for worldwide influenza outbreaks for many, many years.
well, here are some of their public pandemic simulation events :
June 2001 ~ Dark Winter ~ 'The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens.' (words taken from the Dark Winter website, link also below)
John Hopkins University being the main sponsor
January 2005 ~ Atlantic Storm ~ 'Atlantic Storm was a ministerial table-top exercise convened on January 14, 2005, by the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Transatlantic Biosecurity Network. The exercise used a fictitious scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack.' (words taken from the Atlantic Storm website, link below)
May 2018 ~ Clade X ~ 'Clade X is a day-long pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of National Security Council–convened meetings of 10 US government leaders, played by individuals prominent in the fields of national security or epidemic response.' (words taken from the Clade X website, link below)
John Hopkins again was the main sponsor.
October 2019 ~ Event 201 ~ 'Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.' (words taken from the Event 201 website, link below)
Event 201 sponsors :
this played out in New York, in October 2019 and included all the big industry heads worldwide. watching it you can see the uncanny similarity to our current situation. it was clearly a practice run for the upcoming coronavirus and covid-19 planned 'pandemic', as it followed closely to what actually played out from March 2020, until present time.
i also came across three other events all held at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in California :
1975 ~ Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA
2010 ~ Asilomar Conference on Climate Engineering Techniques
1997-2021 ~ Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers
perhaps at first glance these three conferences seem disconnected to the entire picture, but when viewed alongside :
1) the rapidly forming nanotech industry, which includes devices that contain 'payloads' that can perform many tasks within the human body
2) the covid-19 injections ('vaccines')
3) the decades long geoengineering (climate engineering) programs
4) scientific evidence (pg 45) of nanotech falling from the sky via geoengineering and being breathed in
5) scientific evidence of nanotech contained within the covid-19 injections
6) the perspective of Elon Musk's 'Neurolink'
7) Bill Gates' global identification and management digital ID project 'ID2020'
and the
8) '666' patent (sensed body activity linked t cryptocurrency) for the ID2020 project, filed for in June 2019
these conferences make sense.
it then becomes a very real possibility that 5G and Elon' Musk's 'Starlink' 12,000 strong (aiming for 42,000) satellite internet connection technology, designed to cover every place on the planet, or Bill Gates' 'Earth Now' start-up which is "aiming to blanket the Earth with live satellite video coverage, initially aiming to provide services to governments and large-enterprise customers" are involved, and perhaps even the KEY technology in connecting people's physical bodies into the digital world.
The World Economic Forum even discusses the very topic 'internet of bodies' - of course, linked directly to covid-19 as an opportunity.
and so last but not least, here on the World Economic Forum we also have the overall PLAN perhaps ?
all the fun loving, creating peace and happiness on earth ideas, from above, in one little place for all to see ?
just so we know. oh isn't that sweet ?
2019 ~ World Economic Forum ~ Strategic Intelligence Interactive 'Plan'
'The WEF's mission is cited as "committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".[1] It is a membership-based organization, and membership is made up of the world's largest corporations.' (Wikipedia)
found within the World Economic Forum's website, under the section of 'Strategic Intelligence', here is an entire future vision, covering every aspect of our existence, that is actually unfolding right before our very eyes; with artificial intelligence (AI) at its very core.
the home page shows all topics concerned (250+), including every aspect of society, every country, every industry, every so called 'issue' across every square mile of the planet; with 5G and agenda 21/2030's 'sustainable development', alongside the climate change (aka weather modification / weaponisation) agenda featuring heavily.
yet, have we been asked if we want any of this future ?
clicking onto a topic will bring you into the 'plan', which is an aptly virus shaped graphic, which links to other topics you can drill down into. creating an account will allow you to drill down further into each topic within the plan.
covid-19 is intertwined into every subject too. one then questions, how long has this plan been in process ?
how long would it have taken to develop ?
have a look for yourself here >>>
an introductory video is also linked below
it slowly becomes clear though, that it's highly likely that this plan (the new world order (NWO) to OWN us NOW plan?), is what they have been discussing, and agreeing on, annually in Davos all these years, and likely all of the other Bilderberg etc annual meetings.
when you see words such as 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' and 'The Great Reset' nestled in with AI and 5G and 'Internet of Things/People/Bodies', and Medical Biotechnology; the technocratic cashless, digital world, filled with will-less, obedient part robot micro-chipped humans, moving in controlled ways in 'smart cities' and visiting carved out, managed nature, that the global elite seem to think is a wonderful idea, seems more real by the minute.
ooh, and one last terms of prepping, it seems that covid-19 'test kits' were already ordered back in 2017 to all countries...this information was exposed early September 2020 by a researcher, with the self evident data immediately disappearing on the website concerned....being re-classified as 'medical' test kits as opposed to the originally discovered 'covid-19' test can check out the change on waybackmachine, links below
ok, so yes, there is much planning going on, and much planning for influenza it seems.....but how can an influenza outbreak actually be made i hear you ask ?
easy (and poorly actually) !
i've discussed in several other articles, how we have been poisoned by our environment and that we are simply 'detoxing' when we have influenza.....and that chemtrails (aka geo-engineering) seem to be a major trigger to this detoxing (and vaccines).....and that there is nanotech within the chemtrails and vaccines....and you can spray these chemtrails anywhere of course....or vaccinate a certain population....and make people ill...
you can read more on this here :
furthermore, here in 2022, there is overwhelming evidence showing that covid-19 has never been proven to exist :
1) the supposed SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes covid-19 has never been 'isolated' EVER
2) the nPCR test is FRAUDULENT and should never be used as a diagnostic tool as the inventor Kary Mullis stated. it is not fit for purpose. it is known to be testing only for genetic material (cellular debris) we can easily all have (known by the WHO), so will have many false positives, and subsequently if too many cycles are conducted (over 35 as Anthony Fauci admitted). Courts in Portugal, Austria and Germany have confirmed this truth.
3) they needed to scare us more with numbers of 'cases', than 'deaths' to keep the narrative going....alongside a new 'variant' (same thing as before, literally just cellular debris)
4) deaths in this so called 'pandemic' can be attributed to other things (see my other article 'if covid-19 is detoxing, then why are people dying ?'
so with this also in mind, what we are seeing right now, is an massive worldwide implementation of control, domination and a re-engineering of society as we know it....
via an ongoing fear campaign of covid-19, specifically designed to move the aforementioned agendas forward...rapidly.
this fear has been well crafted and perpetuated on us by the world's governments, leaders in business, the media, celebrities and influencers, to create the story and manifestation of 'covid-19', which has nicely enabled everything to come together far more easily for our robot society....
communism (do it for the community programming via rules, masks etc)
dehumanization (social distancing, masks)
cashless society (dirty virus-laden money not accepted anymore)
AI/5G implementation (unabated whilst we're locked up)
happily/getting used to being tracked via contract tracing (be a 'helper' program, do it for others (not yourself))
microchips and toxic vaccines
unless we are in the minds of these psychopathic dehumanized weirdos, we actually have no idea...
but i (and many others) have a few theories
1) they're annoyed and bored with managing us in the current paradigm
2) they want to create their worldwide elite playground (200+ luxury hotels opened in 2020 alone)
3) they want to get rid of most of us 'useless eaters' (as they say) via vaccines, and keep the rest as transhumanist slaves (and for energy harvesting) in controlled smart cities
the age old question too of course is, who are the 'they', that are perpetuating this abhorrent idea ? fact there's way less of them than you can imagine.....around 300 it seems....the Committee of 300 no less...and they over-arch pretty much all organisations and below from of Dr John Coleman's book, from the CIA website...
and going by Alison McDowell's in depth research into crypto currency and block chain technology, that she seemed to accidentally fall into, after questioning why she would need to submit to FBI fingerprinting before she could enter her daughter's first grade classroom back in 2007; it really seems like we are being inducted into a HUMAN DIGITAL COMMODITY TRADING GAME that the elite play. which truly covers all the above points !
the other conclusion
you know what though...i also feel there is quite a bit more to this...another possibility...
even though these bad actors may want to upgrade the current slavery game into a highly controlled digital version, this current monopoly game is done.
and if they are bored, we are also BORED !!! i'm ready for something entirely different, going towards nature, not away from. what so many of us can imagine...
i for one, am feeling an entirely different world (than depicted above) approaching, and by intending FREEDOM, and seeing us solving this crazy game once, and for all, it's getting that much closer i can just feel it :0)
a little bit more on that >>> what's the solution to this mess ?
and i always come back to the heart too...our true brain...where our innate power is...
love to know what you think too !
x simone
ps. a BRILLIANT essay to read is "THE COVID-19 FRAUD & WAR ON HUMANITY" by Dr Mark Bailey & Dr John Evan Smith and can be found here, and contains all the evidence one needs, to see through the entire covid 19 scam
pps. Dr Sam Bailey made the essay into a three part video series if you prefer to watch and listen :)
>>> Part 1
>>> Part 2
>>> Part 3
further links pertaining to information in my article above can be found here :
Alison McDowell : Smart Cities, The Transhumanist Game and Lifelong Learning
another article detailing the entire plan here : The Covid-19 Scamdemic Part 1
'National Security Study Memorandum 200 (1974, Henry Kissenger)' ~ Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
U.N. Deception ~ documentary exposing the true intentions of the United Nations
United Nations Exposed ~ by G. Edward Griffin
Rosa Koire on Vinny Eastwood Show ~ discussion around New Zealand situation 2020
Poisoning Paradise - Ecocide New Zealand' ~ documentary on the poisoning of New Zealand.
'Scenarios For the Future of Technology & International Development' ~ 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document depicting current Lock down strategy
Investigative journalist Harry Vox ~ 2014 discussing 'Scenarios For the Future of Technology & International Development' 2010 Report
'A WORLD AT RISK ~ Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies' ~ September 2019 ~ Annual report by WHO and World Bank, outling the need for two worldwide 'training and simulation exercises' before September 2020
'A practical guide for developing and conducting simulation exercises to test and validate pandemic influenza preparedness plans' ~ WHO guide, 2018
'Pandemic influenza preparedness Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits' ~ WHO guide, 2011
Dark Winter ~ June 2001 exercise
Atlantic Storm ~ January 2005 exercise
Clade X ~ May 2018 exercise
Neural Link ~ Elon Musk's project
ID2020 ~ Bill Gate digital ID project for vaccination ID, bank account, travel etc
Nanotechnology nanotech
Smart Dust Is Coming, Are You Ready? ~ FORBES
evidence for nanotech in geo-engineering ~ Harald Kautz Vella
Internet of Bodies - World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum's Strategic Intelligence Digital Tool ~ explanation and introductory video
World Economic Forum's Strategic Intelligence Plan ~ online plan depicting how AI will shape our world
evidence of covid-19 test kits being ordered in 2017 on World Integrated Trade Solution website
Sept 4th says 'covid-19 test kits'
Sept 7th says 'medical test kits'
PCR Test is Fraudulent - links below :