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are the severe 'covid-19' cases, actually nanotech toxicity ?

Writer's picture: Simone FougèreSimone Fougère

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

(regularly updated to reflect current situation)

so after my last article ('is geo-engineering causing severe influenza (and covid-19) ?') we dive into the subject of nano technology, purported to be in the geo-engineering aka 'chemtrails' that are being sprayed almost daily and raining down upon us.

oh, and in the covid injections....oh and in the blue masks.....oh, and also in the hand sanitisers....ooh, and not to miss a trick ~ also in the test swabs ! no doubt we are also eating and drinking it...

anyways, delving into this particular obscure reality, we discover a plethora of topics, and supposed uses of this out-of-worldy stuff.

so first up, what is it ?

another term to used to describe nano technology is 'smart dust' and according to wikipedia :

"is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals. They are usually operated on a computer network wirelessly and are distributed over some area to perform tasks, usually sensing through radio-frequency identification."

the concept of smart dust emerged in 1992, with the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) researching the potential within the military. fast forward to today, and the concept is no longer science fiction. publicised in many mainstream publications, in 2018, Forbes wrote an article namely "Smart Dust Is Coming, Are You Ready?" (linked also below)

apparently around the size of a grain of salt, the articles states what smart dust can do :

  •         Collect data including acceleration, stress, pressure, humidity, sound and more from sensors

  •         Process the data with what amounts to an onboard computer system

  •         Store the data in memory

  •         Wirelessly communicate the data to the cloud, a base or other MEMs

and some of the applications (relevant to the topic of the human body) :

  •         Identify weaknesses and corrosion prior to a system failure.

  •         Enable wireless monitoring of people and products for security purposes.

  •         Measuring anything that can be measured nearly anywhere.

  •         Possible applications for the healthcare industry are immense from diagnostic procedures without surgery to monitoring devices that help people with disabilities interact with tools that help them live independently.

and then the article touches on 'neural dust'

  •         Researchers at UC Berkeley published a paper about the potential for neural dust, an implantable system to be sprinkled on the human brain, to provide feedback about brain functionality.

what i thought was interesting was the last line of the article

"We might not know when it will progress to the point of wide-scale adoption, but we certainly know it’s a question of when rather than if.""

what exactly does this mean ? ...perhaps it's already here ?

Dr James Giordano, a Professor in the department of Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University Medical Center, discusses this technology in depth, talking of neuro weapon technology; and the ability that they now have, to literally hook up humans to the cloud, read, know and control them.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Starlink (thousands of internet satellites in the sky), also regularly promotes the transhumanist future of hooking your brain up to the cloud, more recently announcing human trials with his firm Neuralink.

Is this what Bill Gates' Microsoft patent that links cryptocurrency to body activity is all about for ID2020 ?

what always baffles me with this, is, what about the spiritual side of us ? the deep sense within humans, that we all feel there is some other point of reference, and more than likely, this mystery and likely knowledge base, has far more potential for us to create unimaginable things, than any computer we hook up to ?

these guys just don't think about it apparently...

anyways, just how far down this road of being 'upgraded' by tech, are we ?

many of us sense a lot further than we're being led to believe...with the strange morgellons disease, the weird crawling under the skin feeling, then ejection of seeming coloured polymer fibres that have been seen to multiply and wriggle all by themselves.

people all around the world have described seeing strange fibres, or 'webs' falling from the sky. could be spider webs absolutely. but personally i've noticed a lot of weird lilac coloured fluffy gunk in my hairbrush in the past 10 years and wondered myself where it came from. collected from the air into my hair perhaps ?

Harald Kautz Vella dives into the nano fibre topic deeply if you wish to delve further. (discernment advised with Harald's work)

then there's the topic of the novel covid-19 MRNA injections that have been described as an 'operating system' (Moderna actually took this description off their website), a software or a 'platform technology'; which establishes itself as part of you, reprogramming your cells whenever necessary. permanently. new software updates available when the next so called 'virus' hits !

of course, also the graphene oxide (GO) and hydrogel that Celeste Solum (former FEMA employee), warned us of in mid 2020......GO has now been discovered in pretty much all of the injections, across the world.

La Quinta Columna, a lab in Madrid, Spain was the first to really speak out publicly about their findings. English translations of their videos can be found here

Robert O Young's lab, the United States also had similar findings

and in New Zealand, Dr Robin Wakeling had similar findings in his lab, with the Pfizer injection - it seems 2 out of 3 viles contained GO.

further links can be found below for this research.

here is one video showing the PCR test swab being made of 'living' nano tech fibres (link also below)

what i would say is, i personally feel that we've been guinea pigs for years, and they've been testing it out on us by spraying it on us. it's everywhere, in our air, our water, our food now. In us.

and perhaps, because it goes into the body in the normal way (rather than vaccine), the body can detox it pretty easily....unless you're in a bit of a vulnerable state, as i was ~ which led me to have severe cases of the flu to detox it out.

and getting weird crap out, that could be a microchip, or a substance that's acting a bit like a mould, trying to multiply and latch on to you, feels pretty horrific !

now how easy would it be, to heavily spray an area with the toxic crap of chemtrails, to trigger the illness of 'covid-19', and make it really bad with the environmental toxins already there.....? not to mention most bodies are already in a very toxic tips the body over the edge, into massive detoxing.

and curiously, perhaps a reason why the toxic drug 'hydroxy chloroquine' (that also has horrific side effects and causes blindness) seemingly *works* (aside from taking away the symptoms/healing activities, because the body needs to focus on the new drug poison) :

anyways, lots to ponder.

some further thoughts on what truly is making people sick these days >>> influenza is detoxing = humanity has been poisoned

and of course....where is this all going ? >>> it makes sense that covid-19 was pre-planned, here's why

x simone


if you're interested in my healing journey 'how i healed myself from recurring influenza'

and something positive to end with (i've found sleep, rest, pure water, sunshine and NAC works best) ~ 'How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland' (read with discernment)

>>> plus, some nanotech links below for further research :

PCR TEST SWAB WITH NANO FIBRES (and there are many more videos like this, also the masks - if you find them on the alternate video channels) ~

GRAPHENE OXIDE (GO) ~ What is Graphene Oxide?


>>> La Quinta Columna (Madrid, Spain) : "Detection of Graphene in Covid 19 Vaccines"

many videos on the subject can be found here :

>>> Dr Robin Wakeling (New Zealand) :

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Greg Aotea, New Zealand

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