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Simone Fougère
Jun 11, 20194 min read
The Seriousness of Seriouslessness
Seriouslessnessly ? Yep. That’s what we thought too when it came into our lives. Back in 2016, when Giulio decided to make the theme of...
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giulio cavallo
May 21, 20192 min read
from Ibiza with love
Ibiza has 2 Gods. TANIT, the fierce moon Goddess of fertility and destruction. and BES, the gentle sun God, trickster and protector of...
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giulio cavallo
Apr 1, 20197 min read
my TOP TEN reasons why God does not exist
1 - Proof of existence first things first. how do we know if something exist ? how can we prove it ? trough our senses. we see, touch,...
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giulio cavallo
Feb 20, 20192 min read
contrary to popular belief
since I was I child I have been experiencing the pretty unsubtle feeling that I'm not normal. a bit unsettling at the beginning of my...
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giulio cavallo
Jan 30, 20191 min read
the ascenscion process in 10 (not so easy) steps
1 - baaaaaaaaaaa 2 - baaaaaaaaaaa ? 3 - I believe my parents, my teachers, the media, the government and I definitely trust in God ! 4...
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Giulio Cavallo
Jan 19, 20193 min read
masturbation ...the solution for mankind ?
masturbation. here’s a subject you’ll have trouble bringing up at a family dinner. masturbation is something of a taboo conversational...
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by Simone Fougère
Oct 17, 20187 min read
Are we distracted ? (and how to fix it)
Yes, it does seem that we all are, in the grand scheme of things. And from the moment we are born… Most people have no idea of the...
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Simone Fougère
Dec 12, 20179 min read
Black Salve Worked For Me
BEFORE AFTER In mid-late 2012 I became aware of...
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giulio cavallo
Dec 11, 20172 min read
why i love deep house :
Why I love deep house : 1) Those 120 bpm that double the beat of your heart rate when you are at peace with yourself. 2) That sultry deep...
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giulio cavallo
Sep 6, 20174 min read
truth is, we are surrounded by lies.
when we arrive at the end of the pondering of what life is all about, the only question remaining is: what is the truth ? and there’s no...
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Giulio Cavallo
Aug 26, 20171 min read
the hiv/aids scam
i've been researching this topic since the early 80's. i've spoken directly to many people involved, whether in the medical community and...
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Giulio Cavallo
Aug 4, 20173 min read
the unoriginal sin
the original sin. here’s the story, directly reported from the Bible of modern times, Wikipedia: “The narrative of the Book of Genesis...
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Simone Fougère
Jul 2, 20173 min read
Let's face it. The human species has trust issues.
We trust the government to do what’s *right* Yet they are constantly shown to lie to us. And somehow, we choose not to see it. We brush...
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by Simone Fougère
Oct 31, 20164 min read
Are We Creating The Time Matrix ?
From celebrating our birthday, to the yearly holidays, are we in fact ageing ourselves and leaving ourselves trapped in a repetitive...
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Simone Fougère
Sep 12, 20164 min read
Reaching Out To Awakened Friends
Those of us on the journey of self awakening know the pain, and the loneliness all too well. Usually the journey starts with a question,...
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Giulio Cavallo
Aug 22, 20162 min read
god. I understand that god exists as a concept in the minds of the individuals that created it, and in the minds of the people that...
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Giulio Cavallo
Aug 11, 20163 min read
The male perspective Sex Sex is natural. Sex is quintessential. Sex is at the essence of human life. Sex is the only human endeavour that...
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Simone Fougère
Aug 10, 20162 min read
Is Our Intuition Sabotaged By the Globe Earth Theory ?
A look back at our intuitive response in childhood and how it may have been sabotaged... So the typical story goes like this. We are...
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